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Rules: Magic

The greatest differences between fantasy adventures and normal medieval adventures are the additions of magic and monsters. Monsters are easily adapted to Eternal Soldier. See the section on Non-Humans. The most important thing to keep in mind is that characters' hit points do not increase in Eternal soldier, rather, the character's ability to avoid taking damage increases. This should be kept in mind when determining how much damage monsters do. Monsters may be freely drawn from several different sources as the referee sees fit.


whitedot.gif (109 bytes) Magical weapons can be handled in several ways. The can be more accurate, do more damage, or be stronger and less prone to breaking (or a combination of all three). Similarly, magic armor could either absorb more damage, be lighter (thus reducing the agility minus) or decrease an attacker's chance to hit.

Here we get to magical spells. We wish we could be more definitive here but we just can't get anybody to agree on what magic really is (or would be). If this seems like a flaw, read on MacDuff...

Before we discuss the magic system, a few basic points. . . .

Some people like magic to be mysterious and arcane, a thing that non-magic users should not fully understand. That's fine.

Some people like magic to be a substitute for technology, i.e. common and industrial. That's fine too.

Some people like their magic to be very scientific. Also fine.

Our point is. . . WE DON'T CARE! Feel free to make your own. Make it how YOU want it. We have tried to provide a set of rules that is playable, fair, adaptable, and most importantly already written. If you like it use it, if not change it or drop it completely.

If you do make your own, remember, Eternal Soldier characters do not have tons of hit points. So let's not have any of that "Merlin's Cosmic Armageddon" stuff. Spells at a beginning level should should not do much (if any) damage. People without magic have to survive in the world too ya' know.

Our intention in writing this section is to include a set of rules to simulate the use of most forms of magic. While it proved impossible to agree on what magic was, or how it worked, much to our suprise we were able to agree (for the most part) on a set of rules to simulate it.

In the system we suggest, Magical lore is divided into areas of knowledge (or sources of power). These areas are termed foci and will be referred as such in the future. Under each focus there are a number of spells which a character having the focus may use. The spells are all of variable effect, dependent on the what the character is attempting to do and how well the character does it.

The foci which follow are divided into two categories. The major foci which attempt to describe magic logically, and the minor foci which define magic in historical terms. These catagories are compatible though they need not both be used. It's up to you.

While these are by no means all foci one may wish to include in one's world, they do cover most of them. If the referee should think of another focus and wish to stick it in, by all means he or she should do so.

The Foci

This system divides magic into what we will call "foci". The foci may be thought of as areas of magical lore, sources of power to which the magician becomes attuned, or different parts of the cosmic pattern that the magician strives to affect. Whichever interpretation you choose, the game effects are the same. A character chooses one or more of these foci just as he would any other skill (all foci have a multiplier of 5 in intelligence) and computes his skill percentage as normal.

The following is a list of foci. Feel free to add or delete from this list to make them better fit within the natural laws of your world. The first seven foci (the "major" foci) are more general.

Major Foci:

Death: This is the focus of knowledge and control of the dead.

Energy: This is the focus dealing with all forms of energy such as light, sound, force, heat, etc.

Life: This is the art of controlling of living matter.

Matter: This is the focus dealing with all forms of matter.

Mind: Allows the mage to control the minds of himself and others.

Space: This is the focus of spacial relationships.

Time: This focus deals with the control of time.

Minor Foci:

Air: This focus deals with the control of air.

Demonology: This focus deals with the contact with and control of creatures of other planes. That is, demons, gods, etc.

Earth: This focus deals with the control of earth.

Fire: This focus deals with the control of fire.

Frost: This focus deals with the control cold.

Magic: This focus deals with the control of basic magical forces.

Nature: This focus deals with the control nature.

Self: Gives the magic user power over his body and mind.

Water: This focus deals with the control of water.

Within each of these foci are various spells which allow the caster to make use of his focus. Some of these spells like Divination, or Bind are common to all foci. Others, like Aspects, or Commune may only be used with minor foci. And still others, such as Death Spell or Heal, are restricted to their particular focus. A character who has chosen to take a focus may use any of the spells within that focus and those common spells which apply.

You might want to take some time now to look at these spells so that you have some idea of what we are talking about in the suceeding paragraphs.

Spell Casting

To cast a spell a character must first determine his chance to successfully cast the spell. This is done by starting with his skill percentage and subtracting from it any minuses due to the complexity of the spell, pluses due to any objects he may possess which affect this percent (see modifiers below), and any minuses he may wish to take in order to increase the effects of his spell. Once this is done the caster must then expend the necessary spell points and then make his roll to see if the spell was successful. Spell points are lost, regardless of whether the spell was successful or not. However, damage due to overcasting (casting more spell points than the character has available) is taken after it's effects are determined.

Casting any spell is a Class X action. Characters may quick cast or set cast as per combat rules.

Casters which are struck in combat must roll against their will with a plus on the die equal to the amount of damage taken. If the roll is unsuccessful the character loses concentration on the spell and must recast it from the beginning. If the character loses concentration on the spell the spell points are not lost.

Creatures which are the target of a spell are given a chance to throw the effects off. This refers to situations where the creature is being affected directly by the magical power of the spell. For instance, a mind spell which attempts to take over the mind of a creature is directly affecting that creature with magical power. A spell which causes fire to be thrown at the creature is affecting the creature with the heat of the fire, not the magical power of the spell. The creature would have a chance to throw off the mind control, but not the burn damage of the fire. If a the character is given a will roll to throw off the spell this will usually be stated in the spell description.

In order to throw off a spell the character must roll D20 and add any modifiers from the amount of spell points the caster has invested in the spell to the die. If the result is lower than the target's will the roll is successful and the target is unaffected by the spell.

Spell Points

All spells require spell points to cast; the amount of spell points each spell costs is found in the spell description.

Each character has a total number of spell points equal to his 'will'. This is the total number of spell points that the character may use. Subtract the number of spell points used on a spell from this amount. The number of spell points may never go below zero.

The number of points he may safely expend on a single spell is equal to his will bonus (if he has one) plus one. We call the amount a character may safely expend on a single spell his AVAILABLE SPELL POINTS. Using more than this number causes damage to the caster at a rate of 1 D6 for every additional spell point cast.

For instance, a wizard with a will of thirteen (will bonus of +1) may safely has 2 "available" spell points cast a 2 point spell. If that same caster were to attempt to cast a 3 point spell, he would have to endure a d6 of damage.

Note that characters with below average wills will take damage every time they try to cast a spell. This is because their will bonus will be at least a minus 1 leaving them with a total of zero or less available spell points which they may safely expend on a single spell. Thus a mage with a six will (will bonus of -2) would take 2 d6 for every one point spell he atempted to cast.

Spell points return to the character at the rate of one per hour. The character's total number of spell points may never be higher than the character's will.


A magic user may decide to alter the parameters of their spells, i.e. Range, Area of effect, Duration, any parameters except Damage and the Spell Point _________________________________ cost. To do this the caster must take a 1% minus to his chance of success for_____ every 5% increase in any one spell effect. Thus a wizard taking a minus 10% could increase the area of effect, or other parameter of the spell, by 50% and a minus 20% would increase any one parameter by 100% or double it. If the area of effect is one creature, it is necessary for the caster to at least double (-20) this parameter to achieve any increase in it.

If a spell caster is in melee when trying to cast a spell, he receives a minus 30 to his chance of success with the spell.

The following modifiers are purely optional.

Names: In some campaigns names hold a special power over people or objects. If this rule is used people inhabiting such a world will guard their true names jealously. A wizard casting a spell and using a creature's true name will increase the target's will roll by 5.

Personal Belongings: Some campaigns may allow the wizard to gain bonuses from casting over an object belonging to the target. In this system, the range of a spell cast against the owner will be doubled.

Cellular Material: Some campaigns may allow the wizard to gain bonuses from casting over cells belonging to the target such as hair, fingernail parings, limbs, etc. In this system, the range of a spell cast against the owner will be multiplied by 10.

Totems: Some referees may allow the wizard to gain bonuses from casting over an object created in the likeness of the target. We suggest 10% bonus to chance of succes.

Sacrifices: Some games may allow the caster to gain power from sacrifices of living things. We suggest that the sacrifice give the caster a number of available spell points equal to the will of the sacrifice. These must be used in the segment of the sacrificed beings death.

Other magical items: The GM may create special magical items which could act as magical lenses, generators, shields, etc.

Adjustment to Spell.......-1% to chance of success per 5% increase Caster in Melee...........-30 to chance of success

Names.....................+5 to will rolls of the named creature Personal Belongings.......range times 2 Body Parts................range times 10 Totems....................+10 to change of success Sacrifices................will of sacrificed being in spell points


In the spells descriptions below each description contains a list of data about the spell. Directly after the name of the spell is a modifier that must be added to the character's chance of successfully casting the spell. For instance, a very easy spell might have no minus, while an extremely difficult spell might have a minus of 150 on the caster's chance of successfully casting it.

Beneath the adjustment for the difficulty of the spell is a column of information about the spell. As stated above, with the exception of "spell points", the magic user may alter the information in this column to achieve desired effects. This minus is over and above the basic minus for the difficulty of the spell described in the above paragraph.

Spell Points: First in the data list is the number of spell points required to cast the spell. Many spells have a basic spell point cost shown, and then an additional cost necessary to achieve additional effects such as more damage, etc.

Area of effect: This is the measurement of how much the spell will affect. Unless otherwise stated this is a radius from the point at which the spell is centered. If the area of effect is omitted from the description the spell affects only the caster himself. Note that if the area of effect is 1 creature, the magic user must increase it by at least 100% to get two creatures.

Range: This is the distance from the caster that the spell will be centered. Where range is ommitted the spell will always be centered on the caster.

Duration: This is the length of time that the spell will last after casting is completed. Where duration is ommitted the duration is instantaneous.

Damage: This is the amount of damage that the spell will deal. Unless otherwise stated this is in the damage type of "energy". In cases where the damage is given per spell point spent on the spell, the caster can increase the damage dealt by expending more spell points.

Healing: Similar to Damage above, but shows the amount to be healed by the spell.

Weight: Amount of weight the spell will affect.

Force: A measurement of force the spell will produce, depending on the spell.


Many of the Major Foci also give the caster the ability to use some minor foci, although at a reduced chance of success. Where a Major Focus gives a caster minor foci, this will be summarized before the spell descriptions for that Major Focus.

The following spells are common to ALL foci. The effects sometimes differ according to the particular focus.

Divination: Spell Points : 1 Range : 30 ft. Area of effect : 15 ft. Duration : 10 seg.

Allows the caster to divine knowledge about the nature of his foci in the area of effect. For instance, the magician using this spell with earth focus would be able to detect minerals, caves, or the presence of earth magic. A caster using life foci would be able to detect the presence and type of life or life magic. A Sun mage would be able to determine the detect sunlight to determine the time and/or direction.

Dis-spell: -30 Spell Point : Var. Range : 60 f t. Area of effect : 30 ft. Duration : 1 seg.

This spell can be used to dispel the effects of a spell of the same focus (or in the case of magic focus any focus). The caster must use a number of spell points equal to those needed to cast the spell being dispelled.

If this spell is used with space or time, the caster is able to determine his exact location or the exact time.

Protection: -40 Spell Point : 3 Range : 60 ft. Area of effect :10 ft. Duration : 40 seg.

This spell protects people or objects in the area of effect from direct manifestations of the focus either physical or magical. This spell will negate the effects of a spell of the same focus within the area of effect. If this spell is used to ward off a creature of the focus, the creature may roll against it's will to determine if it can enter the area of effect.

Control Spell: -50 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 spell Range : 60 ft. Duration : 60 seg.

This spell allows the caster to move the area of effect of an existing spell. Except for magic focus, this spell will only control spells of the same focus. If two or more mages attempt to control the same spell, each must roll a D6 adding to it his or her will bonus. If one of the mage's scores exceeds all others by two, that mage is in control of the spell. Otherwise, the spell does not move.

Bind: -150 Spell Point : 6 Area of effect : 1 spell

This spell binds another spell to a place, object, or person making it's effects permanent. Unless used with magic focus, mages may only bind spells within the same focus as the bind.


Speak with Shades: Spell Points : 1 Duration : 5 min.

This spell enables the caster to speak with the spirit of a deceased person. The caster must have the body of the deceased at hand, or have the spirit fetched by another spirit.

Animate Dead: -20 Spell Points : See below Area of effect : 1 dead thing Duration : 1 day Range : 10 ft.

This spell turns corpses that the caster has on hand into zombies under his control. The spell point cost is equal to 1 point for each die the creature had for hit points.

Death Spell: -30 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 60 ft. Damage : 1 d4 / spell point.

This spell uses the sucking power of death to attempt to drive the life out of a creature, doing damage to it if not killing it.

Control Undead: -40 Spell Point : 1 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 undead Duration : 50 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell pressures undead to do the bidding of the caster. Remember that it is not uncommon for undead to resent being pushed around after the duration of the spell is complete. Spirits to be controlled must be in the land of the living. Undead may roll against their will to avoid being controlled.

Summon Shades: -40 Spell Points : 2

This spell summons random spirits from the place where the dead dwell to the land of the living. That is to say, it calls ghosts. In order to summon a specific spirit the caster must first speak to the spirit using the "speak with spirits" spell.

Banish Undead: -50 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 undead Range : 10 ft.

This spell is used by the caster to send undead to the land of the dead.

Bind Spirit: -50 Spell Point : 1 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 undead Duration : 50 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell will bind a spirit to a place for the duration of the spell.


Fire Focus: -20

Allows the caster to use all the spells under fire focus at an additional - 20.

Frost Focus: -20

Allows the caster to use all the spells under frost focus at an additional - 20.

Create Light: Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 40 ft Duration : 30 min. Range : 30 ft.

This spell creates a source of light at the center of the area of effect which will light an area equal to the area of effect of the spell, however, the light will spread as would a normal light source of this size.

Control Temperature: -20 Spell Points : 1 per 10 degrees Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 100 segments Range : 60 ft.

This spell enables the caster to raise or lower the temperature in a given area by ten degrees per spell point.

Fly: -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 10 min. Move: 5 ft./seg.

The magician can use this spell to overcome the bonds of gravity.

Images : -30 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 ft Duration : 30 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell shape light into images. The images of course do no damage but they are real in that everyone will see them.

Energy Ball: -50 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 3 ft Duration : 3 seg. Range : 20 ft./seg. Damage : 1 d4 / spell point.

Creates a ball of energy the size of the area of effect which does 'Hits' of damage to anything in it's path during it's duration. It can move at 20 ft/segment.

Energy Bolt: -50 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 ft Duration : 1 seg. Range : 60 ft. Damage : 1 d4 / spell point.

This spell causes a bolt of energy to emerge from the caster's hand and continue to its range or until it hits. This spell requires the caster to make his thrown weapons skill roll in order to hit his target. This spell does 'energy' type damage.

Throw Lightning: -70 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 80 ft. Damage: 1D6/spell point

This spell allows the caster to throw from his fingers bolts of lightning.

Invisibility : -70 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 1 min.

This spell cause the light around the area of effect to be bent in such a way as to render it invisible.


Diagnose: Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 1 minute

This spell enables the caster to be aware of all physical problems within the target.

Heal: -40 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 creature Healing: 1 d4 / spell point.

This spell enables the caster to heal physical damage on the recipients.

Growth: -60 Spell Points : 4 Range : 10 ft. Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 50 seg

This spell doubles the size of the affected creature.

Heal Disease: -70 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 1 creature

This spell drives disease from the body of the recipient.

Shape Life: -80 Spell Point : 3 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 50 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell allows the caster to shape living matter into any form he wishes.

Return Life: -150 Spell Points : 6 Area of effect : 1 creature

This spell brings back to life a dead creature. Subtract 1% from the chance of success for every 24 hours the creature has been dead.


Air Focus: -20

Allows the caster to use all the spells under air focus at an additional -20.

Earth Focus: -20

Allows the caster to use all the spells under earth focus at an additional - 20.

Water Focus: -20

Allows the caster to use all the spells under water focus at an additional - 20.

Shape Matter : -30 Spell Points: 2 Area of effect : 1 cu. ft. Duration : 10 min. Range : 10 ft.

Use of this spell allows the user to shape a quantity of matter into any shape the caster can imagine. The change is permanent, but if the shape is not structurally stable the structure will fall when the spell duration ends.

Transmute Matter: -120 Spell Points: 2 Weight : 1 lb Duration : 10 min. Range : 10 ft.

This spell allows the caster to transmute an area of matter from one form to an other for a given duration.

Create Matter : -150 Spell Points: 3 Wieght : 1lb Duration : 30 min. Range : 10 ft.

Using this spell allows the caster to create any known form of matter which lasts as long as the indicated duration.

Disintegrate: -150 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 1 cu. ft. Duration : 30 min. Range : 10 ft.

This spell causes matter within the area of effect to be reduced to atoms.


Read Emotions: Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 20 ft. Duration : 20 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell enables the caster to read the emotions of other creatures.

Alter Emotions: -20 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 50 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell enables the caster to alter the emotions af another creature, causing fear, sadness, elation, etc. as the caster chooses.

Understand Language: -20 Spell Point : 1 Duration : 5 Minutes

This spell allows the caster to understand any language he can hear being spoken. It also allows the caster to speak any language spoken by intelligent creatures.

Read Minds: -30 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 mind Duration : 1 minute Range : 30 ft.

This spell enables the caster to know the surface thoughts of others, assuming the caster understands the language in which the other thinks.

Send Thoughts: -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 1 minute Range : 200 ft.

This spell enables the caster to send thoughts to a creature or creatures.

Cause Insanity: -50 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 mind Duration : 1 week Range : 20 ft.

This spell warps a creature's view of reality, causing it to be psychotic in some way. The sort of psychosis cannot cannot be chosen by the caster, as it will generally be based on some incident in the life of the target, or be an intense magnification of some normally minor quirk. Depending on the result the type or presence of the insanity may not be immediately apparent.

Cure Insanity: -50 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 mind

This spell wipes the target's mind clean of insanity, returning him to his normal view of the world. Note that in many cases the target may not wish his insanity to be cured. Indeed, he probably would not believe that he is insane. In this case the target should be given a will roll to ward off the spell.

Domination: -50 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 mind Duration : 8 hours* Range 10 ft.

Makes the target the mind slave of the caster. The target will receive a will roll to throw off the spell if ordered into a life threatening situation. Obvious suicide orders will negate the spell. *At the end of the duration the target may make a will roll to throw off the spell. If it is unsuccessful the domination continues for the duration again.

Astral Projection: -60 Spell Point : 2 Duration : 1 hour Move : 60 ft/seg. or 40 mph

With the use of this spell the caster can project his spirit outside his body. The spirit will not be visible, though divination with spirit focus will detect it's presents.

Illusion: -70 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 mind Duration : 1 minute Range : 60 feet

This spell causes the target to see and hear illusions caused by the caster. The illusions cause no damage but can be very frightening.

Dominate: -120 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 mind Duration : 1 week* Range 10 ft.

Makes the target the mind slave of the caster. Period. *At the end of the duration the target may make a will roll to throw off the spell. If it is unsuccessful the domination continues for the duration again.


Telescopic Vision: Spell Points : 1 Duration : 10 min. Magnification : 10 times

This spell will make objects appear closer.

Spacial Window: -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 2 ft. circle Distance : 1 mi. Duration : 10 min.

This spell causes a window to appear through which the caster can observe far away events.

Spacial Door : -50 Spell Points: 3 Area of effect : 5 ft. radius circle Distance : 40 ft.

This spell creates a spacial door through which objects or people may pass.

Change Size: -60 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 10 ft. Duration : 50 seg.

This spell will double or half the size of an object or person.

Dimensional Window: -60 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 2 ft. circle Distance : 1 mi. Duration : 10 min.

This spell causes a window to appear through which the caster can observe events in other dimensions.

Space Warp: -60 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 20 ft. Range : 10 ft. Duration : 50 seg.

This spell will distort space in the area of effect making the distance from the edge of the radius to the center 10 times normal distance.

Invisibility : -70 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 1 min.

This spell cause the light around the area of effect to be bent in such a way as to render it invisible.

Teleport: -90 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 50 mi.

With this spell the magic user warps space in order to travel to another point.

Dimensional Portal: -100 Spell Points : 5 Area of effect : 5 ft. radius circle Duration : 30 seg.

This spell causes a portal to another dimension to to appear.


See Into Past: -20 Spell Points: 1 Time : 1 month Duration : 5 min.

This spell allows the caster to see events which have occured near a place, object, or person as far into the past as the time parameter.

Speed/Slow Action: -20 Spell Points : 1/Speed Class Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 10 ft. Duration : 50 seg.

This spell will increase or decrease the speed class of all actions performed by the affected creature by 1 per spell point used.

Speed/Slow Things : -50 Spell Points 2 Area of effect : 1 creature Range : 30 ft.

This spell will double or half the speed at which a creature acts.

See Way Into Past: -60 Spell Points: 2 Time : 10 years Duration : 5 min.

This spell allows the caster to see events which have occured near a place, object, or person as far into the past as the time parameter.

Speed/Slow Events : -60 Spell Points 2 Area of effect : 30 ft. Range : 30 ft.

This spell will double or half the speed at which events occur within the area of effect.

Time Armor : -60 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 40 seg. Armor : 1 d6 per 2 spell points

This spell slows attacks directed against the affected creature reducing the damage taken by 1 d6 per spell point.

Stasis : -120 Spell Points : 5 Area of effect :10 ft. Range : 20 ft. Duration : 100 seg

This spell will stop time within the affected area. Nothing can enter or exit this field and if the caster is in the area of effect he is frozen as well for the duration of the spell.

Age/Youth : -130 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 1 Creature Range : 10 ft.

This spell will age or youthen a creature or object by 1 year plus 1 year per additional spell point used. This spell causes only the effects of time on the creature to change. In other words, if a person was killed yesterday, youth will not bring him back.

Time Travel : -150 Spell Points : 6 Area of effect : 1 creature Time : 10 Years

This spell allows the caster to traverse time in either direction up to the time parameter. If the caster travels into the future he will arrive in one possible future not necessarily the one he is destined for.


The following spells are common to all minor foci. The effects sometimes differ according to the particular focus. Some of these spells were listed above with the Major Foci. We list those again here for convenience.

Commune: Spell Point : 1 Range : 0 ft. Area of effect : 30 ft. Duration : 5 min

This spell allows the caster to comunicate with objects in his focus. Note: inanimate objects are able only to impart knowledge of physical forces exerted upon them (such as being stepped upon or heated). Animals will be able to impart emotional and some visual knowledge. Sentient creatures will be able to provide full knowledge of their experiences. The GM should provide answers in keeping with the duration of the spell.

Divination: Spell Points : 1 Range : 30 ft. Area of effect : 15 ft. Duration : 10 seg.

Allows the caster to divine knowledge about the nature of his foci in the area of effect. For instance, the magician using this spell with earth focus would be able to detect minerals, caves, or the presence of earth magic. A caster using life foci would be able to detect the presence and type of life or life magic.

Dis-spell: -30 Spell Point : Var. Range : 60 f t. Area of effect : 30 ft. Duration : 1 seg.

This spell can be used to dispel the effects of a spell of the same focus (or in the case of magic focus any focus). The caster must use a number of spell points equal to those needed to cast the spell being dispelled.

Ensorcel: -40 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Range : 60 ft. Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 8 hours*

This spell allows the caster to control the will of creatures which fall within the scope of his focus. The effected creature is allowed a roll against it's will and if made, it is not controlled. If the roll is not made, the creature will obey the comands of the caster so long as it does not put the creature into 'undue' danger. At the end of the spells duration, the creature is not automatically released. The creature must again roll versus it's will to become free.

Protection: -40 Spell Point : 3 Range : 60 ft. Area of effect :10 ft. Duration : 40 seg.

This spell protects people or objects in the area of effect from direct manifestations of the focus either physical or magical. This spell will negate the effects of a spell of the same focus within the area of effect. If this spell is used to ward off a creature of the focus, the creature may roll against it's will to determine if it can enter the area of effect.

Control Spell: -50 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 spell Range : 60 ft. Duration : 60 seg.

This spell allows the caster to move the area of effect of an existing spell. Except for magic focus, this spell will only control spells of the same focus. If two or more mages attempt to control the same spell, each must roll a D6 adding to it his or her will bonus. If one of the mage's scores exceeds all others by two, that mage is in control of the spell. Otherwise, the spell does not move.

Aspects: -80 Spell Point : 4 Duration : 10 min.

This spell allows the caster to take on the aspects of things within the scope of his or her focus. Earth wizards could become stone or dirt, Nature wizards could become trees or animals, etc.

Summon: -80 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll Range : 10 mi.

This spell can summon animals of the focus, the sentient manifestation of the focus (if one exists) or, in the case of spirit focus any non-corporeal being. the summoned creature must be capable of getting to the place they are being summoned, as this spell does not zap them there. In addition, the summoned being is allowed a roll against it's will if it does not desire to come.

Bind: -150 Spell Point : 6 Area of effect : 1 spell

This spell binds another spell to a place, object, or person making it's effects permenant. Unless used with magic focus, mages may only bind spells within the same focus as the bind.


Wind: -10 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 10 mi. Duration : 1 hour Force : 10 mph

The caster causes a 10 mph wind to blow across the area of effect in the direction of the caster's choice. Note that this could also be used to slow existing winds.

Foul Air: -20 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 ft. Range : 20 ft.

This causes a volume of air to become foul and unbreathable. All occupants within this volume will begin to use fatigue points at triple the normal rate for all activities.

Purify Air: -20 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 ft. Range : 20 ft./seg.

The caster may make a volume of otherwise unbreathable air breathable. This clears the air of smoke, poisonous gases, etc.

Ride Wind: -20 Spell Points : 2 Weight : 200 lbs. Duration : 10 minutes

The caster is able to allow himself and/or others be blown along at whatever speed the wind is traveling at in the direction that the wind is traveling.

Fly: -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 10 min. Move: 5 ft./seg.

The magician can use this spell to overcome the bonds of gravity.

Create Air: -50 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 3 cu. ft. Range : 10 ft.

This spell allows the caster to bring into existence a volume of air.

Tornado : -150 Spell Points : 6 Area of effect : 30 ft. Range : 30 ft. Duration : 1 min.

This spell allows the caster to create a tornado. Creatures in the affected area will be tossed from 10 to 60 ft (1 d6) and lifted in to the air 10 to 30 ft. (same d6 divided by 2). Such creatures will take a d6 of damage for every 10 feet thsy were lifted as they fall back to earth. This spell can also level buildings, overturn large objects, and generally do what tornados do.


Speak with Spirits: Spell Points : 1 Duration : 5 min.

This spell enables the caster to speak with spirits of another plane.

Control Minor Spirits: -30 Spell Point : 1 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 spirit Duration : 1 hr. Range : 30 ft.

This spell pressures minor creatures of other planes (ie. sprites, spirits of the dead, ect.) to do the bidding of the caster. Remember that it is not uncommon for creatures of other planes to resent being pushed around after the duration of the spell is complete. Spirits to be controlled must be in the on the same plane as the caster. Spirits may roll against their will to avoid being controlled.

Summon Minor Spirits: -40 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll Range : 10 mi.

This spell can summon a minor spirit. The summoned creature must be capable of getting to the place they are being summoned, as this spell does not zap them there. In addition, the summoned being is allowed a roll against it's will if it does not desire to come.

Banish Spirits: -50 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 spirit Range : 10 ft.

This spell is used by the caster to send spirits to the plane from whence they came.

Exorcise Spirit: -70 Spell Points : 2 + 2 / minus to will roll Area of effect : 1 spirit Range : 10 ft.

This spell allows the caster to bind a minor spirit to a place, object, or creature.

Bind Minor Spirit: -80 Spell Point : 3 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll Area of effect : 1 spirit Range : 10 ft.

This spell allows the caster to bind a minor spirit to a place, object or creature.

Control Major Spirits: -80 Spell Point : 1 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 spirit Duration : 1 hr. Range : 30 ft.

This spell pressures major creatures of other planes (demons, elementals, ect.) to do the bidding of the caster. Remember that it is not uncommon for creatures of other planes to resent being pushed around after the duration of the spell is complete. Spirits to be controlled must be in the on the same plane as the caster. Spirits may roll against their will to avoid being controlled.

Hold Spirits: -60 Spell Point : 1 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 spirit Duration : 50 seg. Range : 30 ft.

This spell Locks creatures of other planes in place. Spirits may roll against their will to avoid being held.


Fertile Earth: Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 1/2 mi.

This spell entices the earth to increase her fertility and growth in order to aid the growth of plants.

Mire: -30 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 20 ft Duration : 1 min. Range : 50 ft. .

This spell causes the ground in the area of effect to turn to mire. Creatures in the affected area must make agility rolls if attempting to move or are in combat. If the roll is unsuccessful, the creature falls. This spell will not affect stone.

Move Earth: -50 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 5 ft Duration : 1 min. Range : 100 ft. .

This spell is used to move loose earth and gravel, forming it into walls, mounds, etc. Remember that this does not allow earth or gravel to remain standing in shapes it would not normally stand in. The material will only retain the shape it is placed in for the duration of the spell. Then it will collapse into the most convenient shape.

Strengthen Metal : -50 Spell Points : 3 Weight : 1 lb. Duration : 1min.

This spell will strengthen metal making arms or armor better. Using this spell will increase the size of the dice used when rolling damage or protection by 2. (ie. from a d4 to a D6, D6 to D8, D8 to D10, D10 to D12)

Metal Crumble: -70 Spell Points : 3 Weight : 1 lb. Range : 30 ft.

This spell causes a single item of metal to break down.

Quicksand : -70 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 10 ft Duration : 10 min. Range : 40 ft. .

This spell causes the ground in the area of effect to turn to quicksand. Creatures in the affected area must make agility roll versus sinking every 10 segments. If they are unsuccessful, they will sink 3 inches. This spell will not affect stone. Movement, whether the creature makes it's roll or not, is not possible under normal means.

Stone Crumble: -80 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 10 ft Range : 100 ft.

This spell breaks down stone.

Create Earth: -150 Spell Points : 4 Weight : 1 lb. Duration : 10 min. Range : 10 ft.

Makes a certain amount of earthy material come into existence.

Earthquake : -150 Spell Points : 6 Area of effect : 200 ft. Range : 300 ft. Duration : 60 seg.

This spell causes an earthquake with the epicenter at the center of the area of effect. Dependent on local geography, riffs in the earth may appear and creatures in the affected area must make agility rolls to keep from falling in.


Fire Extinguish:

Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 10 ft. Range : 20 ft.

This spell causes all fires within the area of effect to extinguish.

Ignite: Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 in. Range : 10 ft. Damage : 1 pt./ 2 spell point.

This spell, when cast upon a flammable object, will cause the area of effect to ignite. How hot the area burns will depend upon the number of spell points spent on the spell.

Create Fire: -10 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 cu. ft. Duration : 50 seg. Range : 5 ft. Damage : 1 pt./ spell point.

This spell causes fire to burst into existence in the area of effect.

Raise Temperature: -20 Spell Points : 1 per 10 degrees Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 100 segments Range : 60 ft.

This spell enables the caster to raise the temperature in a given area by ten degrees per spell point.

Fire Blast: -30 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 3 ft Range : 20 ft. Damage : 1 d4 / spell point.

This spell allows the caster to draw from a fire source held by the caster, sending it in a stream at a target.

Flaming Weapon : -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 object Range : 5 ft. Damage : 1D4 / 2 spell points Duration : 40 seg.

This spell causes a weapon to flame, doing additional damage.

Fire Wall: -50 Spell Points : 2 Duration : 50 seg. Range : 10 ft. Damage : 1 d4 / 2 spell points.

Spell causes a fire source to become a burning wall of flame. Wall is ten feet high, twenty feet long, 3 feet deep, and can stretch around any way the magic user chooses within the spell range.


Lower Temperature: -20 Spell Points : 1 per 10 degrees Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 100 seg. Range : 60 ft.

This spell enables the caster to lower the temperature in a given area by ten degrees per spell point.

Frostbite: -30 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 3 ft Range : 20 ft. Damage : 1 d4 / spell point.

This spell allows the caster to draw from a cold source held by the caster, sending it in a blast at a target.

Ice: -30 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 cu. ft. Duration : until it melts Range : 30 ft.

Turns a volume of water to ice.

Chills: -50 Spell Point : 2 + 1 / minus 2 to will roll. Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 30 seg. Range : 60 ft.

Causes an opponent to be temporarily weakened with shivering, chills, and ague. Halve target's strength, agility, dexterity, and will for the duration of the spell.

Hail: -50 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 20 ft. Duration : 30 segments Range : 60 ft. Damage : 1 pt. "pummeling"/seg.

It causes small hailstones to fall within the area of effect, causing one point of pummeling damage per segment to all creatures within the area of effect. Note that the creatures can move out of the area of effect.

Snowstorm: -80 Spell Points : 3 Area of effect : 100 ft. Duration : 120 seg. Range : 300 ft.

This spell causes a blizzard to blow through the area of effect. Causes blinding snow and freezing temperatures.

Preserve: -130 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 10 ft. Duration : 1 day Range : 20 ft.

This spell flash freezes everything in the area of effect at near absolute zero temperatures. At the end of the spell duration the area returns to normal temperature almost instantly. Everything in the area will be perfectly preserved for the duration of the spell. Living creatures will survive the freezing experience.


Magic Circle: -50 Spell Points : 1 Duration : 100 seg.

This spell enables the magic user to combine available spell points of mages in a circle to cast a spell. The caster must draw an equal number of spell points from each member of the circle including himself. He then has that number multipied by the number of members available to cast. The number of points drawn from each member is up to the caster, however if the number drawn is greater than a member's available spell points then that member will take damage as though he had overcast. In addition, these members must make will rolls with the amount of damage taken added to the roll in order to maintain the circle (this procedure should be followed also if a member takes any unexpected damage, such as from a sword in the back). If the circle is not maintained, all members of the circle will take a D4 in damage for every spell point in the circle, i.e. the number of spell points drawn times the number of members in the circle.

Staff: -50 Spell Points : 5

This spell allows a magic user to create a staff which can store magical energy for a limited time. The staff can store up to 3 spell points, however for every ten segments a spell is not put in the staff will lose a spell point. Once the staff has been created it is not necessary to cast the spell to store spell points in the staff--the magic user need only complete a speed class I action to place a spell point in the staff. The staff is only usable by the caster.

Triggered Spell: -70 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 object Duration : 1 week

This spell allows the caster to tie a spell to an object or location. This spell can be set up to trigger under a simple set of circumstances.

Etch Focus : -100 Spell Points : 5 Area of effect : 1 object

This spell will etch magic spells into objects so that anyone can cast that spell without making a skill roll. This spell does not store spell points in the object so a person or creature using the object will have the spell points required to cast the spell drawn from them. Use normal overcast rules if applicable.

Store Magic: -120 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 1 object

This spell allows the caster to store magical energy within an object. Each casting of this spell stores one spell point in the object which can be used in addition to his normal spell point usage.


Predict Weather: Spell Points : 1

This spell enables the caster to tell what weather is coming in the next 24 hrs.

Lightning Strike: -70 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 10 ft. Range : 1 mi. Damage : 4D6

This spell is used by the caster to draw one lightning bolt down on a target from a storm.

Control Weather: -100 Spell Points : 5 Area of effect : 5 mi. Duration : 1 hour

This spell enables the caster to change the weather to whatever he desires for the duration of the spell. When the spell is complete the weather will return to the state it was in before.


Diagnose Self: Spell Points : 1

Through this spell the magician diagnoses irregularities in himself such as disease, etc..

Armor Skin: -20 Spell Points : 2/ D4 of armor Duration : 5 min.

This spell causes the magic user's skin to toughen to the point where it can resist damage. The magic user's skin will stop 1D4 of all types of damage for the duration of the spell. The armor skin combines with armor worn by the mage.

Heal: -20 Spell Points : 1 Healing: 1D4/spell point

With this spell the magician can heal physical damage to his own body.

Alter Self: -30 Spell Points : 1/stat point Duration : 5 min.

With this spell the magician can cause his physical statistics (Str, Agi, Dex, Con, Com) to alter for the duration of the spell.


Purify Water: Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 10 cu. ft. Range : 30 ft.

Causes an amount of water to be pure and drinkable.

Breathe Water: -20 Spell Points : 1 Area of effect : 1 creature Duration : 10 min.

With this spell the target is able to breathe water as though he were breathing air.

Move Water: -20 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 20 ft. Duration : 1 min. Range : 100 ft.

This spell is used to move water, forming it into waves, troughs, etc.

Ice: -30 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 cu. ft. Duration : until it melts Range : 30 ft.

Turns a volume of water to ice.

Steam: -30 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 1 ft Duration : until it condenses Range : 30 ft.

Turns a volume of water to steam.

Foul Water: -40 Spell Points : 2 Area of effect : 10 ft. Range : 40 ft.

Causes an amount of water to be foul, undrinkable, and unfit for habitation by water creatures.

Create Water: -70 Spell Points : 4 Area of effect : 3 cu. ft. Range : 20 ft.

This spell causes a volume of pure water to come into existence.


The attributes of a god define its focus. I.e. a love goddess forms its own special "love" focus. Priests or priestesses of this goddess would have various sorts of love spells (cause it, control it, end it, etc.).

Character's that run formal servants of a god would learn spell ability in the focus of that god. The only difference is that characters who gain their power from a god should gain spell points differently. These characters should gain spell points from acts of devotion. This would include such things as holding mass, bringing converts to the god, making sacrifices or donations to the god, acts of personal piety and loyalty (the more extreme the act the better), etc. Different gods want different things, and what the god will grant spell points for depends on that god.

While the the total number of spell points the character may have is not limited by the character's will, the spell points do not return once used, either. The character may ONLY gain spell points through devotional acts.

The character is still limited by the number of available spell points for each spell, and casting more than this brings damage from overcasting, just as in normal magic.

We cannot pretend to anticipate the types of gods that will exist in each campaign. The referee should decide whether or not the gods are present, and if present what their foci are. The amount of spell points granted for an act of devotion are up to the god, which in game terms means this decision is up to the referee. The referee would do well to work up guidelines for this, but his decision should be considered final. Remember that the gods can be fickle about this sort of thing.

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Next: Psionics

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