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Web Site Development

Services We Offer
Free Training
Search Engines


  • An Empty Web:  Please browse through this completely empty site.  It can be an excellent place to start thinking about your site.  Consider pages, images, text, categories, that might apply to the development of your company's Internet presence.
  • Development Notes:  A working list of questions that your webmaster will need to consider as your site is developed.  What is actually going to be on each page?

The basis of this service is to help you advertise your company on the Internet. Since you are most likely reading this on a browser attached to a Web Site, you are probably thinking about doing so. You are also becoming aware that the Internet is the most powerful way to get the word out about your business since the Gutenberg Press.

More people will browse the Internet than will read your flyer or brochure. It would not be cost effective for you to mass mail your services to every potential client or customer, yet on the Internet you have the potential of getting to more prospects then ever before and for a cost that is pennies on the dollar when the sale is made.

To do this you must have a presence on the Internet. This first step can be as simple as a brochure or as complex as a full blown marketing campaign. Whichever way you decide to go give us a call and we can help.


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